Ignis Umbra - Richard Mathis

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Fiction: Riddles in the Sand: Part 2 - Clash of Fates on Solis Krayt

Just over a year has passed since our unforgettable Star Wars-inspired photoshoot in the eerily Martian-like landscape of the Jean dry lake bed, near Vegas. Immersed in that otherworldly atmosphere, dressed in striking Star Wars costumes, we were transported to galaxies far, far away, and a captivating narrative started forming in my mind.

Today, I'm excited to bring you the continuation of that saga, the fruit of my imaginings during that surreal photoshoot. It's a tale that breathes life into our characters, taking them on thrilling adventures and unexpected encounters. It expands upon the visual narrative we created on the set, adding depth to each carefully crafted image.

So, it's time to embark on the next chapter of our journey. I present to you Part 2 of 'Riddles in the Sand', a narrative brimming with action, mystery, and a whole lot of Star Wars spirit. Enjoy the ride, and may the Force be with you.

Bilk Zephyr deftly maneuvers his nimble YT-2400 light freighter, affectionately named 'Cosmic Drifter', in the orbit of Aqua Celestus, a planet whose azure oceans stretch to every horizon. "Why can't the Jedi artifact be here?" Bilk grumbles to the empty cabin, his voice echoing off the worn metallic interior. "It's always a blasted desert." He sighs, steering the freighter in a sweeping arc towards Solis Krayt, a barren desert moon looming in the distance.

"Why am I even doing this?" Bilk asks himself, his tone edged with regret and frustration. "These Jedi trinkets are supposed to be valuable, but I'm no treasure hunter. I thought I was too jaded for this nonsense." As his ship breaches the thin atmosphere of the desert moon, the re-entry jets roar into life, plunging the ship through the sparse cloud layer onto the sandy surface below.

Meanwhile, the battered yet robust Razor Crest slips out of hyperspace. Mando, keeping an eye on his tracking fob, navigates the ship towards Solis Krayt while the Child busies himself with a shiny silver knob he's nicked from the control panel. "This should be a straightforward job," Mando says, almost as if he's trying to convince himself, "Pick up Zephyr, hand him in for the bounty, fix the Crest. We're overdue for an easy day, eh, kid?" The Child coos happily in response as Mando pilots their ship towards the desolate moon.

Not long after, a worn yet ominous Sith Infiltrator, the Scimitar, emerges from the inky expanse of hyperspace. The ship's occupant, Malice Obsidaura, cackles with delight. "I can sense the Dark Side here. This place...it calls to me. They believe it's a Jedi temple, but ah, there are deeper, darker secrets here. Delicious, enticing secrets." Watching the Cosmic Drifter descend, she grins, her voice dripping with malicious anticipation, "More players in our little game? Oh, I can't wait." Stealthily, she pilots her ship into the moon's atmosphere, the dark silhouette of the Scimitar an ominous contrast against the glaring desert sky.

Bilk guides the Cosmic Drifter to a soft landing near the ancient ruins he was informed about, the landing gear crunching into the sandy surface. With a final command to his ship's panel, he unstraps himself from the pilot's seat, a well-worn leather seat molded from years of use. Swigging from a hip flask filled with an indeterminate, potent liquid, he descends the ramp into the arid desert air. The derelict structures, crumbling and forgotten, stretch out before him. "So much for a quick 'in-and-out' job at a lone Jedi temple. Seems like I'll be playing archaeologist through half a dozen of these forsaken places."

Emerging from the darkened confines of the first temple, Bilk nearly stumbles into Malice. "Whoa, lady, you scared the..." His protest dies in his throat as he finds himself levitating off the ground, his neck constricting, "Urrk!"

A blaster bolt sizzles into the sand nearby. "Drop the smuggler, lady. He's mine. Let's not make this difficult." Malice squints at the descending ship and smirks, "Oh, the fun's just begun," she murmurs before leaping away behind a sand-encrusted ruin.

Bilk lands hard, but swiftly recovers, "Thuh, Thuh, Thanks, man, that lady was crazier than a loth-cat on spice!" His relief is short-lived as he sees Mando's blaster pointed directly at him. His eyes widen at the sudden roar of engines overhead. "What the..." He points over Mando's shoulder as the sky fills with the ominous silhouette of an incoming ship.

Mando whips around, his blaster at the ready, only to see a sleek ship descending in the distance. Turning back, he sees Bilk with his own blaster drawn.

Bilk brandishes his weapon, the tone of his voice as cold as deep space, "I didn't get my reputation for nothing. I'm the fastest shot in five parsecs. And apart from one run-in with a Wookiee hunter named Attichitcuk, I'm the most accurate too." His grin is wolfish, "That Wookiee had tricks up his fur, you see. So, fancy testing that shiny beskar against my modded DL-44 blaster? It packs enough heat to melt durasteel."

Unfazed, Mando levels his blaster, "Yes, yes I do."