Ignis Umbra - Richard Mathis

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Grunge Elsa in the Desert: A Cool Twist in the Vegas Heat

Hey everyone,

Last time, I shared some shots of my friend China as a grunge Princess Jasmine. This time, we're turning up the cool factor (or at least trying to) with Grunge Elsa. Now, I know what you're thinking—Princess Elsa in Las Vegas? In 121-degree heat? It’s a bit of a paradox, right? But here we are, and honestly, we could use some of Elsa’s ice powers around here.

Growing up in Las Vegas, snow was a rare spectacle. If it ever did fall, it would typically melt the moment it hit the ground. I do remember a few times when they trucked in snow from the mountains for the schoolyard. My first encounter with snow was just a big pile in the middle of the playground—not exactly the magical experience you might expect. Personally, I’ve never been a big fan of snow.

Let's dive into the technical side of these photos. One of my favorite techniques is to cool the background and warm the subject. Our eyes perceive warmer objects as closer and cooler objects as farther away. Similarly, brighter things appear closer while darker things seem farther. By darkening the background and lighting the subject with a warm source, I can make the person "pop" out of the photo.

With a character like Elsa, who embodies cool tones, it’s a different challenge. I don’t want her skin to appear tanned; she’s meant to be pale and icy. To achieve this, I bring up the whites in the photo, making them brighter. This approach maintains the integrity of Elsa’s character while still allowing her to stand out in the image. It’s crucial as an artist to be consistent but also adaptable. Making every image the same way would dull the uniqueness of my subjects.

So, here’s to enjoying these photos and imagining a cooler day. Only three to four more months of heat, folks! Stay cool out there!